Race Recaps

I cannot accurately put into words the feeling experienced when crossing the finish line. It is an emotion that is difficult to explain. But it is the greatest feeling ever!

Knowing that you have just pushed your body to the limit and given your all, a surge comes over you once you see the finish line near. As you get closer, the crowd gets louder and cheers you on. You see your family and friends that have come to show their support. You know that in only a matter of steps, you will have completed what you came to do. Then as you cross over that finish line, you hear them call out your name and your emotions take over.

Some people find it weird when you say that you were brought to tears when you crossed the finish line. I have experienced this pretty much every finish line I have crossed. I train hard for the races that I have completed. The sense of accomplishment and self-satisfaction are truly amazing. You are already on an endorphin high, now you are bursting with excitement.

I do believe that everyone has their own experiences when they complete their races, but I do know in my heart that everyone is overcome when they finish.

Browse through my race recaps to see what I have accomplished over the years!